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Home care and maintenance involves several aspects of housekeeping upkeep on an ongoing and consistent basis to ensure that damages, leakages and plumbing defects don't reach a level where a simple fault may cause gigantic problems. - reliant plumbing company

To homeowners' credit, a lot of people these days see the value of having basic gadgets and tools and DIY kits to deal with repairs and jobs which can be done without having to fix an appointment for a contractor or plumber to come and set things right, leaving a hole in the pocket.

Plumbing repairs can be handled easily if a regular plumber or a DIY plumber has got the appropriate basic tools. It isn't necessary to purchase entire teams of tools or advanced machinery to find the job done; the basic necessities will suffice largely and efficiently.

One of the basic plumbing tools are:

1. Adjustable Wrench - this can be one handy tool that's a plumbing kit must. Mainly used for removing compression nuts, faucet supply lines and angle stops, it is also handy for screwing over a shower head or removing it to clean. A wrench with jaws that do not slip under torque is the better.

2. Basin Wrench - also known as a Sink Wrench due to its very handy usage for changing a sink faucet inside the bathroom, kitchen sinks or laundry area, this is a self-tightening wrench which is extremely valuable in hard to reach places to loosen taps, washers and pipes. You get one with a 90 degree position telescoping shank is the best option

3. Compression Sleeve Puller - in case a home has CPVC, PEX or copper tubing you will find likely to be compression angle stops on pipes taking in the water supply. This handy tool helps you to remove the nut and sleeve with no damage to the pipe and unscrewing the angle stop itself.

4. Tongue and Groove Pliers - A plumber isn't seen without a pipe wrench; nowadays, channel locks have replaced these. Channel locks are designed for most plumbing jobs effortlessly. But if pliers are needed, the very best bet is to get different sizes for difference jobs. Remember they function finest in pairs, one to unscrew and yet another to stabilize the pipe from damage.

5. Pipe Wrench - although not much in use as they were earlier, you will find plumbers who still find these extremely useful for handling metal and iron pipes. Fittings like pressure regulators, yard hydrants yet others can only be unscrewed by way of a pipe wrench that provides good leverage. Keeping several wrenches in different sizes is a very practical option. - reliant plumbing company